Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Consumption Notes

I have a few ideas. I have a lot of redbull cans and I was thinking I could make something out of them but i haven't really decided on what yet.

or maybe I could go get some fast food and do a series of pictures of them maybe using models in the pictures too.

I also thought about saving stuff that i bought from a time period of a week like receipts or wrappers or tags and make a collage with them.

I have a lot of ideas so maybe if you could guide me to which one would be more appropriate for this project that would be very helpful.

1 comment:

  1. Red bull - Good idea to use them but what is make is hard.

    The collage could work, but I think you need a months worth to make your point, maybe a years worth. Volume = impact.

    Getting fast food and documenting the process of buying, paying eating digesting might be interesting. Should it be exaggerated to make your point, or just very plainly stated? An objective documentation of something we are all too comfortable doing?

    Let me know your thoughts.
