Wednesday, March 11, 2009

text notes

Thomas Kinkade

Why Landscapes?
He does them because people are able to relate to them and because they are "pretty".

Are they as popular with the world of higher art as they are with the public?
No the Avant-Garde don't appreciate his art.

Why does he want his artwork to be so popular?
Because he wants to become a brand and he wants every American to own one of his works.

His works appeal to a mass audience because of his ability to capture light. It almost seems like his mission was to be sell out, he just wants to be popular and main stream. He is creating more of a business then he is creating art work. He romanticizes scenes so that the viewer can imagine themselves in the picture and then will want to buy it.

Vanessa Beecroft

Does she only installations?
Yes her style of art is installations.

Do all of her works involve the media and women?
Yes she emphasizes perfection of women and how it's portrayed.

How do her installations work?
She gives girls a position on the floor to stand on and they can move as long as they stay there. They can't interact with the audience though because she wants to show not tell.

She shows the high pedestal that we put beauty on, however feminist find her controversial because her work involves naked women. I don't really think that she's exploiting women it seem like shes just emphasizing her point and she also makes it personal with her diary installation.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Consumption Notes

I have a few ideas. I have a lot of redbull cans and I was thinking I could make something out of them but i haven't really decided on what yet.

or maybe I could go get some fast food and do a series of pictures of them maybe using models in the pictures too.

I also thought about saving stuff that i bought from a time period of a week like receipts or wrappers or tags and make a collage with them.

I have a lot of ideas so maybe if you could guide me to which one would be more appropriate for this project that would be very helpful.