Monday, January 26, 2009

Text Notes 1

William Kentridge

Why does he use charcoal to create his drawings and videos?
It lends itself to blending and reworking

Do all of his works deal with the political happenings in South Africa?
Yes and some that are just specific to him.

How does he create his videos?
He uses about twenty drawings the he adds to and erases to make a story.

Unlike our first project his inspirations comes from external sources instead of himself or his identity. The way he influences his characters in his artwork by real happenings in South Africa, like Nelson Mandela being released from prison, show how much he himself as well as the rest of South Africa.

Nan Golden

Why does she choose to take such raw pictures?
They are so raw because they are a documentation of her life.

Does she create a story with her pictures?
The pictures, because she takes them of people she knows throughout their lives, does in a sense become a story.

What made her choose photography to document her life?
She likes how photography is instant. Ever since she was a teen she liked to chronicle each day as it happened. Her sister's suicide also inspired her to do photography.

She uses photography to express herself which is what I would like to do one day after I graduate. She chooses to follow the outcasts and be one instead of trying to be normal like most people would. I admire that nothing is off limits and she will always take the picture in the moment. She wouldn't stage anything because that isn't real life.

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